Monograph series titles
Australian Evangelical Perspectives on Youth Ministry: Identity, Church, Culture, and Discipleship
Ruth Lukabyo, ed.
Out Here Down Under: Ancient History in the Antipodes
E. A. Judge, ed. A. D. Macdonald
Ministry in Context: A Guide to Theological Field Education and Ministry Internships in Australia and New Zealand
Ed. Richard Trist
Sydney’s One Special Evangelist: John C. Chapman and the Shaping of Anglican Evangelicalism and Australian Religious Life, 1968–2001
Baden P. Stace
Honoring the Wise: Wisdom in Scripture, Ministry, and Life: Celebrating Lindsay Wilson’s Thirty Years
Eds. Jill Firth & Paul A. Barker
The Narrative Integrity of Mark 13:24–27
Peter G. Bolt
T. E. Ruth (1875-1956): Preacher and Controversialist
Ken R. Manley
Living to the Praise of God’s Glory: A Missional Reading of Ephesians
Mark A. Simon
Transforming Vocation: Connecting Theology, Church, and the Workplace for a Flourishing World
Eds. David Benson, Kara Martin and Andrew Sloane
Grounded in the Body, in Time and Place, in Scripture: Papers by Australian Women Scholars in the Evangelical Tradition
Eds. Jill Firth and Denise Cooper-Clarke
Wide-Awake in God’s World: Bible Engagement for Teenage Spiritual Formation in a Culture of Expressive Individualism
Graham D. Stanton
From a Ministry for Youth to a Ministry of Youth: Aspects of Protestant Youth Ministry in Sydney 1930-1959
Ruth Lukabyo
Beyond Four Walls: Explorations in Being the Church
Eds. Michael D. O’Neil & Peter Elliott
Holding Forth the Word of Life: Essays in Honor of Tim Meadowcroft
Eds. John de Jong & Csilla Saysell
Making the Word of God Fully Known: Essays on Church, Culture, and Mission in Honor of Archbishop Philip Freier
Eds. Paul A. Barker & Bradly S. Billings
The Son of Man in Mark’s Gospel: Exploring its Possible Connections with the Book of Ezekiel
David Forrest Mitchell
The Spirit at the Cross: Exploring a Cruciform Pneumatology
Carolyn E.L. Tan
Engaging Ethically in a Strange New World: A View from Down Under
Eds. Michael Bräutigam & Gillian Asquith
Foundations of Anglican Evangelicalism in Victoria: Four Elements for Continuity, 1847-1937
Wei-Han Kuan
The Impact of Church Consultancy: Explore the Impact of One Model of Church Consultancy on Church Health and Church Growth in NSW/ACT Baptist Churches
Ian G. Duncum
Passion and Resurrection Narratives Post Nicene Latin Interpretations
Andrew M. Bain
The Soteriological Use of Call by Paul and Luke
Ian Hussey
Anglican Evangelicalism in Sydney 1897 to 1953: Nathaniel Jones, D. J. Davies and T. C. Hammond
John A. McIntosh
Theological Education: Foundations, Practices, and Future Directions
Eds. Andrew M. Bain & Ian Hussey
The Global Edwards: Papers from the Jonathan Edwards Congress held in Melbourne, August 2015
Ed. Rhys S. Bezzant
Contextualization of the Gospel: Towards an Evangelical Approach in the Light of Scripture and the Church Fathers
Andrew J. Prince
Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament
Eds. G. Geoffrey Harper and Kit Barker
Gender in Solomon’s Song of Songs: Discourse Analytical Abduction to a Gynocentric Hypothesis
Alastair Ian Haines
Shifting Allegiances: Networks of Kinship and of Faith: The Women’s Program in a Syrian Mosque
Moyra Dale
Christ’s Under-Shepherds: An Exploration of Pastoral Care Methods by Elders in the Christian Reformed Churches of Australia Relevant to the Circumstances of Twenty-First-Century Australia
Leo Douma
The Word Became Flesh: A Rapprochement of Christian Natural Law and Radical Christological Ethics
David Griffin
Son of Mary: the Family of Jesus and the Community of Faith in the Fourth Gospel
Margaret Wesley
Preaching the New Testament as Rhetoric: The Promise of Rhetorical Criticism for Expository Preaching
Tim MacBride