Doctor of Philosophy
3Years Full Time
288Credit Points
Payments Centrelink Approved
6Max Years Part Time
Online Course
Overseas Students
Cricos code: 076015J (English)
The Doctor of Philosophy degree is designed to equip people as beginning researchers and scholars in the traditional fields of theology, as well as in fields of study related to the humanities and social sciences which are integrated with theological perspectives. It provides a qualification recognised by theological and Bible colleges as well as universities for those who aim to teach in these fields.
Course Structure
288 credit points over 3 years (F/T)
Overall cps: 288
Length: 3 year F/T (6 semesters) or P/T equivalent up to 6 years (12 semesters)
Thesis: 80-100,000 word thesis, excluding bibliography
Admission Requirements
Academic Qualifications:
BTh/BMin Hons, with at least Upper Second Class Honours and at least a Distinction in the thesis, OR
BTh or BMin plus a Graduate Diploma with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words, OR
BTh or BMin plus a Coursework Masters (such as MA(Th/Min) or MTS) with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words in FoR, OR
MDiv or MMin with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥ Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words in FoR, OR
MDiv or MMin plus a Coursework Masters (such as MA(Th/Min) or MTS) with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words in FoR, OR
MTS, MA(ChrStuds) or MML with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words, OR
MPM with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods and Confirmation of Candidature and an overall GPA≥3.0,
Theological and non-theological qualifications deemed by Research Committee to provide a suitable grounding for Doctor of Philosophy study. A list of approved alternative pathways is outlined below:
For candidates seeking to undertake inter-disciplinary research focussing on Theology and Education:
Applicants with a Master of Education from Morling College incorporating an embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥ Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words, and the completion of at least 48cps of formal Theology / Ministry accredited studies (generally via a Graduate Certificate) in units coherent with the proposed field of research;
Applicants with a Master of Education from Morling College without an embedded RTP, plus 96cps (generally via a Graduate Diploma) with embedded RTP, with satisfactory completion of Research Methods, an overall GPA≥3.0 and ≥Distinction in a major project of at least 12,000 words and 48cps of formal Theology / Ministry accredited studies in units coherent with the proposed field of research.
RTP = Research Training Pathway
FoR = Field of Research
Language requirements: IELTS min 7.5 overall with a min 7.5 in reading and writing, 7.0 in listening and 6.5 in speaking.
Overseas Students
This course is registered on CRICOS and is available to overseas students at selected delivery locations. See here for more information.
Learning Outcomes
Graduates of the Doctor of Philosophy will be able to:
1. Create a substantial body of knowledge at the frontier of a field of theology and/or associated disciplines, including knowledge that constitutes an original contribution to the field.
2. Demonstrate substantial knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to the field of study.
3. Exhibit cognitive and technical skills to demonstrate expert understanding of theoretical knowledge in their discipline and to reflect critically on that theory and its potential application(s).
4. Demonstrate expert, specialised cognitive skills and use of intellectual independence to think critically, evaluate existing knowledge and ideas, undertake systematic investigation, and reflect on theory and practice to generate original knowledge.
5. Communicate a coherent and sustained argument effectively and disseminate research findings to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Application of knowledge and skills
6. Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with autonomy and authoritative judgment as an expert and scholar.
7. Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills with initiative, creativity and responsibility in new situations and/or for further learning.
Characteristics of the Doctor of Philosophy
The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (AQF Level 10) is a research doctorate awarded on the basis of the satisfactory completion of a thesis or body of work (thesis by publication). The thesis must make an original contribution to the relevant field of knowledge, integrating Christian theological perspectives and show evidence of original research and the exercise of independent critical analysis. Although a candidate works under a principal and co-supervisor, the candidate is expected to demonstrate independence of thought.
The award of the degree may be taken to certify that a candidate has been trained in the techniques relevant to the field of research, and is capable, without supervision, of applying these techniques to other research projects, and has become sufficiently familiar with a significant area of discipline within which the candidate has worked to be able to assess critically the present state of knowledge in the subject and to conceive original possibilities for further investigation with an increasing independence.
1. The thesis must embody the results of independent scholarship and research. It may be either a critical and analytical study of existing material or, as is more usual, an original contribution to the subject. In either case it must show evidence of originality and independence of thought, posing a new insight into the topic or formulating an existing issue in a novel and useful way.
2. The candidate must demonstrate that they are aware of, understand, and are able to read and analyse the literature—including primary source and scholarly material in languages other than English—that is directly relevant to the topic as well as related areas of significance, and are able to make considered judgments.
3. The thesis must be a work of appropriate literary standard. One way of gauging whether a candidate’s work constitutes an original contribution to the relevant field is to consider the extent to which the thesis is publishable. Criteria that will help decide whether a thesis is publishable are:
• there is emerging and/or growing interest in the subject area of the thesis such that the thesis, if published, would complement what has been published already, or the thesis makes a radically new contribution to the subject area;
• the thesis is well-written, its ideas are accessible, and it would lend itself to conversion to published format;
• there are well-regarded international scholars who could be advocates for the published version of the thesis.
$10,728 per semester for full-time (48cp) domestic students (2025 course fees).
For more information about tuition fees, FEE-HELP, and student payments, view tuition fees.
Course Rules
- All candidates must initially apply through a supervising college approved to prepare candidates for the PhD degree using the required form.
- All applicants with external qualifications must submit original or certified copies of transcripts or certificates of all tertiary study completed in theology or ministry to the Research Committee, which will determine granting candidature.
- All candidates initially have provisional status. Candidates must satisfactorily complete all Confirmation of Candidature requirements by the end of their first full time year (or part time equivalent) of candidature to progress to full candidate status.
- Candidates will be supervised at an AUT affiliated college approved to prepare candidates for the PhD.
- Supervisors must be registered as either principal supervisor and /or co-supervisor on the University's Register of Supervisors.
- Candidates and their supervisors must complete and submit the Higher Degree by Research Annual Progress Report via the postgraduate coordinator in the candidate’s supervising college by the due date. Where unsatisfactory progress is reported the Research Committee may require the candidate to ‘show cause’ why candidature should not be terminated.
- It is the candidate’s responsibility to be aware of and fully comply with all rules and regulations related to the Doctor of Philosophy. The online version of the HDR Candidate’s Handbook provides the most up to date version of the rules and regulations.
- The candidates must be aware of the prescribed word limit for PhD theses. Theses must be at least 80,000 and no more than 100,000 words in length. See Guidelines for Theses in the Higher Degree by Research Handbook.
- Candidates should expect to submit to the supervisor coherent accounts of the research to date according to the agreed Research Plan.
- Candidates should accept responsibility for maintaining negotiated regular communication with the supervisor and the progress of research agreed upon. If impediments arise, these should be immediately discussed with the supervisor.
- Higher Degree Research candidates may not be granted more than two (2) semesters of suspension of candidature during the term of their candidature, and may be granted no more than two semesters of extension of candidature prior to the examination phase of their candidature. The R&RSC will accept applications for suspension beyond the two semester limit on a case by case basis only for extraordinary circumstances, supported with written evidence.
- Under exceptional circumstances, the Research Committee may vary the period of candidature.
Approved for delivery at
Approval to deliver a course does not guarantee that this course will be available in a given year – please contact a college about current availability.
South Australia
Bible College SA
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Brisbane School of Theology
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New South Wales
Christ College
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New Zealand
Laidlaw College
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Melbourne School of Theology
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New South Wales
Morling College
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Presbyterian Theological College
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Queensland Theological College
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Ridley College
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New South Wales
Sydney Missionary & Bible College
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Western Australia
Trinity Theological College
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