College facilities
Size of college
Large (over 250 students)
Delivery modes
On-campus and off-campus options available
Overseas students
Approved for delivery of some courses to overseas students at its Macquarie Park NSW campus and Perth WA campus.
See here for further details for overseas student information.
Provision of academic and study skills support services, including English language support
Students are encouraged to view the Student Support Services page for information about academic and study skills support services available.
In addition, students of Morling College have access to an Academic Tutor, National Library Manager, Library Managers and Technicians. The Academic Tutor is employed to facilitate free face-to-face Academic Skills and Orientation days for students. They also oversee online Academic Skills lessons which can be accessed by all students as per need. The Academic Tutor also provides strategic academic support for students who are either referred to them or come through direct enquiry. They also connect students with external study mentors. The college also delivers a unit on Academic Writing and Communication, delivered by the Academic Tutor.
Provision of counselling services
We have a strong commitment to student wellbeing. Students are encouraged to view the Student Support Services page for information about personal and counselling support services available, as well as links to relevant policies and processes in place to provide support to students. In addition, the following services are available to students studying at Morling College:
- A combination of college & external provision.
- Morling provides assistance to students via its Counselling Lecturers
- Non professional pastoral care also offered by student services staff.
- Morling College has its own counselling clinic – Ezra Clinic, at the Macquarie Park NSW campus. This counselling is offered professionally, through referral or direct enquiry. Students receive significant discounts for counselling.
- The college refers to a number of counsellors and psychologists – with attention paid to the location and situation of the student.
The library provides a wide range of digital resources, as well as a physical collection of over 44,000 monographs at its Macquarie Park campus, and over 51,000 monographs at its Perth campus. Information about the library and services are available here.
Learning spaces - lecture / tutorial rooms
Macquarie Park NSW Campus
3 Lecture rooms:
Number of seats/study spaces: 852
11 Tutorial rooms:
Number of seats/study spaces: 310
1 Library:
Number of seats/study spaces available for private study: 30
Number of seats/study spaces available for group study: 16
Perth WA Campus
5 Lecture rooms:
Number of seats/study spaces: 140
1 Tutorial room:
Number of seats/study spaces: 7
1 Library:
Number of seats/study spaces available for private study: 50
Number of seats/study spaces available for group study: 10
1 Chapel:
Number of seats/study spaces: 65
Learning spaces - Informal spaces
Macquarie Park NSW Campus
1 Space available, New Ministry and Learning Centre (MALC) open-plan learning space for Group study, Private study, Discussion with lecturers/tutors, Recreational activities, Socialising.
Perth WA Campus
1 Space available, A lounge with a ping-pong table, TV and couches for Discussion with lecturers/tutors, Recreational activities, Socialising
Learning spaces - shared meals areas available to students
Macquarie Park NSW Campus
Dining Area:
Number of seats/study spaces: 120
Perth WA Campus
Dining Area:
Number of seats/study spaces: 50
Residential accommodation for students
Macquarie Park NSW Campus
Morling’s Macquarie Park NSW Campus has accommodation options include townhouses, duplexes, units and studio apartments. For individual students, furnished studio apartment accommodation is located at Morling Residential College (MRC). For couples, students with families, and those who may prefer to share, the Morling Village includes unfurnished three-bedroom townhouses, two-bedroom duplexes and units, and several one-bedroom units. See more at
Perth WA Campus
No on-campus accommodation is available for students.
Enrolment and application processes
For information about the enrolment process, including any relevant standards of behaviour and college ethos, click here.
Prospective and current students, please email [email protected] and a future student officer or student services officer will be in touch.
For support, see the Student Support Officers
For incidents or information about Sexual Assault or Sexual Harassment, there is a designated SASH Contact Officer for Morling College is the Vice-Principal (Students and Community).
For overseas students, the designated Overseas Students Liaison Officer is the Director of Student Services.
College academic timetable / unit offering
College calendar and key dates
College website