PC090-812 - Congregational Ministry
3,162 Standard Tuition Fee
12Credit Points
0.125 EFT
8AQF level
Category foundational unitA
Pastoral & Church-Focussed Ministry Unit Discipline
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students willA. Know and understand
Demonstrate Advanced knowledge and understanding of congregational ministry including biblical perspectives and practice for varying congregational contexts.
B. Be able to
1. Evaluate biblical perspectives on congregational ministry.
2. Examine practices of congregational ministry.
3. Present Research-Aware evidence-based perspectives on congregational ministry.
C. Be in a position to
Applying Advanced perspectives and skills from ‘Congregational Ministry’ to contemporary Christian living and ministry contexts as a reflective practitioner
1. Pastoral roles in congregations
Biblical perspectives on:
a. Pastoral offices and functions
b. Ministry rationale and aims
c. Team ministry and priesthood of believers
2. Understanding congregations
Biblical perspectives on:
a. Congregational purpose and mission
b. Congregational types and stages
c. Congregational unity
d. Metrics and analysis
3. Congregational ministry in diverse contexts
Topics such as:
a. Ministry for congregational stages
b. Urban, suburban, and regional contexts
c. Multicultural and cross-cultural contexts
4. Facilitating congregational ministries
Topics such as:
a. Children’s and youth ministries
b. Women’s and men’s ministries
c. Bible study or small groups
d. Community engagement
e. Discipleship and leadership training
Set Readings
Bass, D. C. (Ed.). For Life Abundant: Practical Theology, Theological Education, and Christian Ministry (Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2008).
Boyle, M., L. Norris, and K. Rodriguez, One Volume Seminary: A Complete Ministry Education From the Faculty of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Theological Seminary (Moody, 2022).
Branson, Mark Lau and Juan F. Martinez, Churches, Cultures & Leadership: A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities (Downers Grove: IVP, 2011).
Bredenhof, R., Weak Pastor, Strong Christ: Developing a Christ-Shaped Gospel Ministry (Reformation Heritage, 2021).
Carl, W. J. (ed.). Best Advice: Wisdom on Ministry from 30 Leading Pastors and Preachers (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2009).
Carrell, W., Introducing Christian Ministry Leadership: Context, Calling, Character, and Practice (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2022).
Carroll, J. W., God’s Potters: Pastoral Leadership and the Shaping of Congregations (Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2006).
Coley, K., Entrusted to the Faithful: An Introduction to Pastoral Leadership Paperback (Rainer Publishing, 2017).
Dever, M. and P. Alexander, How to Build a Healthy Church, 2nd edn (Crossway, 2021).
Drane, J. W., After McDonaldization: Mission, Ministry and Christian Discipleship in an Age of Uncertainty (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2008).
Edgar, W., R. Hughes, and A. Poirier, The Pastor and the Modern World: Reformed Ministry and Secular Culture (Westminster Seminary Press, 2022)
Edwards, W., J. Ferguson, and C. van Dixhoorn (eds), Theology for Ministry: How Doctrine Affects Pastoral Life and Practice (Phillipsburg: P&R, 2022).
Elias, J. W. Remembering the Future: The Pastoral Theology of Paul the Apostle (Scottsdale, PA: Herald, 2006).
Ferguson, S., The Pastor: His Call, Character, and Work (Banner of Truth, 2021).
Greene, C., Recognizing Rural Ministry: Moving from Anecdotal Assumptions to Data Derived (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2022).
Grundy, M., Multi-Congregational Ministry: Theology and Practice in a Changing Church (Canterbury Press, 2015).
Hahn, T., J. P. Osterhaus, and J. M Jurkowski, Thriving Through Ministry Conflict (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010).
Harwood, A. (ed.), Infants and Children in the Church: Five Views on Theology and Ministry (Broadman & Holman, 2017).
Johnson, A., Shaping Spiritual Leaders: Supervision and Formation in Congregations (Herndon, VA: Alan, 2007).
Laniak, T. S., Shepherds after my Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible (Downers Grove, Ill: IVP, 2006).
MacArthur, John (ed.), Pastoral Ministry, (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2005).
Malphurs, A., A New Kind of Church: Understanding Models of Ministry for the 21st Century (Grand Rapids, Mich: Baker, 2007).
Marshall, C., Growth Groups: How to Lead Disciple-Making Small Groups (Matthais Media, 2021).
Mathis, E., Worship With Teenagers: Adolescent Spirituality and Congregational Practice (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2022).
Mosser, David N. (ed.), Transitions: Leading Churches through Change (Louisville: John Knox Westminister Press, 2011).
Steinke, P. L., Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach (Herndon, VA: Alban, 2006).
Stetzer, E. Planting Missional Churches: Your Guide to Starting Churches That Multiply, 2nd end (B&H, 2016).
Swinton, John, and Harriet Mowat, Practical Theology and Qualitative Research, 2nd edn (Norwich: SCMP, 2016).
Taylor, T., R. Creech, and J. Herrington, The Leader's Journey: Accepting the Call to Personal and Congregational Transformation, 2nd edn (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2020).
Tidball, D. J., Ministry by the Book: New Testament Patterns for Pastoral Leadership (Nottingham: Apollos, 2008).
Wilson, J., Gospel-Driven Ministry: An Introduction to the Calling and Work of a Pastor (HarperCollins, 2021).
Witmer, S., A Big Gospel in Small Places: Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters (IVP, 2019).
Wood, C. M., Attentive to God: Thinking Theologically about Ministry (Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 2008).