CH008-612 - The Continental Reformation
2,784 Standard Tuition Fee
12Credit Points
0.125 EFT
6AQF level
Category developing unitB
Christianity in History Unit Discipline
CH006, CH010Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, students willA. Know and understand
Demonstrate Developing knowledge and understanding of the Continental Reformation.
B. Be able to
1. Analyse major phases and developments of the Continental Reformation in their political and social contexts
2. Utilise data from selected primary and secondary source to formulate historical viewpoints on the history of the Continental Reformation
3. Present Analytical evidence-based perspectives on the history of the Continental Reformation
C. Be in a position to
1. Applying perspectives from ‘The Continental Reformation’ to inform ministry contexts
Section A
Candidates study six of the following topics:
1. Medieval religious and intellectual questioning of the Church; the Avignon Captivity; the Conciliar Movement.
2. Political, ecclesiastical, economic and social setting of the Reformation and the Renaissance.
3. Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany.
4. Huldrych Zwingli and the Swiss Reformation.
5. The Radical Reformation and the Anabaptists.
6. John Calvin and the Reformation in Geneva.
7. The Catholic Reformation; The Counter Reformation; the Jesuits, the Council of Trent.
8. Calvinism in France and the Netherlands.
Section B
9. The study and analysis of TWO special texts related to the topic areas above, which may include the following or equivalent texts:
M Luther, Three Treatises of 1520
J Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Bk IV
H Bullinger, Of the Holy Catholic Church
B Thompson, Liturgies of the Western Church, chs III–VII
Teresa of Avila, The Interior Castle
Set Readings
As well as the works listed in General Recommended Readings, the following provide more detailed treatments of sections of this unit.
Primary Documents:
Dixon, C. S. (ed.), The German Reformation: The Essential Readings (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999).
Lindberg, C., The European Reformations Sourcebook (Oxford: Blackwell, 2000).
McNeill, J. T. (ed.), Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion (2 Vols; London: SCM, 1961).
Janz, D. R. (ed.), A Reformation Reader: Primary Texts with Introductions, 2nd ed. (Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 2008).
Secondary References:
Cottret, B., Calvin: A Biography (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000).
Dixon, C. S., The Reformation in Germany (Oxford: Blackwell, 2002).
Evans, G. R., John Wyclif: Myth and Reality (Oxford: Lion, 2005).
Gabler, U., Huldrych Zwingli: His Life and Work (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1986).
Hillerbrand, H. J, The Division of Christendom: Christianity in the Sixteenth Century (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2007).
Kittelson, J. M., Luther the Reformer: The Story of the Man and his Career (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2003).
Mullett, M., The Catholic Reformation (New York: Routledge, 1999).
Nohl, F., Luther: Biography of a Reformer (St Louis, MO: Concordia, 2003).
Pearse, M., The Great Restoration: The Religious Radicals of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Carlisle: Paternoster, 1998).
Reymond, R. L., John Calvin: His Life and Influence (Fearn: Christian Focus, 2004).
Wengert, T. J. (ed.), Harvesting Martin Luther’s Reflections on theology, ethics, and the church (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2004).
Hendrix, S. H., Martin Luther: A Visionary Reformer (New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015).
Lindberg, C. The European Reformations, 2nd ed. (Malden, Blackwell, 2009).
Methuen, C. Luther and Calvin: Religious Revolutionaries. (Lion Hudson: Oxford, 2011).
Ozment, S. The Age of Reform 1250-1550: An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1980).
Stjerna, K. Women and the Reformation. (Malden, MA and Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 2009).
Roper, L. Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet (London: The Bodley Head, 2016).