
Unless Someone Shows Me: English Grammar for Students of Biblical Languages by John Davies
John Davies, Unless Someone Shows Me: English Grammar for Students of Biblical Languages, Wipf & Stock, 2015.
‘I never learned English grammar’ is the lament of many students beginning their study of Hebrew and Greek, the languages of the Old and New Testaments. is book is designed as a companion to the learning of either Greek or Hebrew, to help you to understand better what is going on when textbooks of Greek and Hebrew use English grammar to introduce the various forms of the new language.
The book will sharpen your appreciation of the gift of language and the richness and subtlety of your own language. It will help you to be more reflective and analytical of what you read and write. It will introduce you to some of the ways we can describe what is going on in grammar, and be understood by others who know and use this descriptive system. It will help you to be more effective when you read a serious commentary that engages the original languages.
This book can be used as an additional textbook for use in introductory Greek and Hebrew courses, or in private preparatory study before or in conjunction with language learning.
About the author: Dr. John Davies is Principal Emeritus of Christ College, Sydney, Australia and has taught English and other languages for over forty years.