
Leading Multicultural Teams by Evelyn and Richard Hibbert
Evelyn Hibbert & Richard Hibbert, Leading Multicultural Teams, William Carey Library, 2014.
Churches and mission agencies are increasingly characterized by cultural diversity. As a result, many Christians find themselves working as part of a multicultural team. Leading these teams is a complex challenge that requires team leaders to understand how to help multicultural teams thrive. Team leaders need to know how to help team members grow in particular qualities and acquire specific skills related to multicultural teamwork. This book integrates insights from the Bible, team theory, leadership, and intercultural studies to explain how leaders of multicultural teams can help their teams become enriching and enjoyable contexts to work in, at the same time as achieving their purpose.
About the authors: Evelyn and Richard are married to each other. Evelyn Hibbert is the Academic Dean of Booth College, Sydney. Richard Hibbert is Senior Lecturer – Missions and Director of the SMBC Centre for Cross-Cultural Mission at Sydney Missionary and Bible College (ACT affiliated).