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30 May 2018John McIntosh book launched by Peter Jensen at St Andrews Cathedral
The result of several years of dedicated research, the latest ACT Monograph Series book, Anglican
Evangelicalism in Sydney 1897 to 1953: Nathaniel Jones, D. J. Davies and T. C. Hammond by retired Moore College Lecturer Rev Dr John McIntosh, was launched last night, 29 May 2018, at St Andrews Cathedral. This was a fitting venue for a book by a previous Acting Dean of the Cathedral. Around 75 people gathered to see former Archbishop Peter Jensen launch the book, giving a glowing commendation of the book in his remarks. John McIntosh’s reply provided an introduction to the three former principals of Moore who served during the critical period which formed the basis of his book. The launch opened with a prayer by the Acting Dean of the Cathedral, the Rev Chris Allan, and a welcome by ACT Dean, Rev Dr Martin Sutherland. It was then ably MCed by the ACT Associate Dean, Rev Dr Graeme Chatfield. A high point of the evening was a forum on the future of Sydney Anglicanism, with reflections given by current Moore Principal, Rev Dr Mark Thompson, and historian Associate Professor Stuart Piggin. These reflections centred around how the evangelical nature of the diocese is expressed today, with a hopeful tone struck by both men. A lighter note was introduced by a competition held to win a copy of the book. ACT Publishing Manager Rev Megan Powell du Toit posed a tricky question on which Dickens novels were mentioned in the book, but a couple of attenders managed to guess correctly, the prize being won by Youthworks Academic Dean, Rev Michael Hyam, though the former Archbishop Peter Jensen also deserves an honourable mention for his correct guess.
The Australian College of Theology (ACT) is very thankful for being allowed to hold the launch in the beautiful surrounds of the Cathedral, and for warm support given by all who participated and attended.