EndNote for students and staff
What is it?
EndNote is the industry standard software tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references on the Windows and Macintosh desktop. The Australian University of Theology has purchased a license for its staff and students to use EndNote at no cost, while associated with the University.
Who is eligible?
The license agreement between the University and the distributors of the EndNote program extends to the Affiliated Colleges. The licensing agreement covers all faculty, academic/research staff and students of Australian University of Theology. Staff of Affiliated Colleges who are not faculty or academic/research staff involved in the delivery of AUT courses, such as administrative staff, or faculty of colleges only delivering non-AUT courses are not eligible for EndNote under AUT’s licence agreement.
How do I get it?
Fill in the form at the bottom of this page.
What's new?
What’s new in EndNote 20
- Enhanced user interface design
- Including a ‘Save’ button to save changes to reference details
- Improved PDF (and other attachements) reading experience
- Enhanced duplicate reference detection and handling.