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18 December 2017Dean’s Christmas Message
It’s easy to become dismissive of Christmas. Images of shepherds and kings have become so familiar, so tired, that we can miss the true drama of those stories.
Take the visit of the three from the east. Mathew makes no claim that these are Kings. In fact they are “magi” – astrologers, magicians. Does that seem strange? It should do. Christians have long dismissed the claims of astrology as invalid, distracting and wrong. Yet here they are, following their star, front and centre in this most Christian of stories. Why? Well maybe this is yet another reminder of the true enormity of what is happening. In those days, “wise men” such as these astrologers and magicians represented knowledge as good as any the pagan world could produce. And here they are paying tribute to the true king in the story.
The visit of the magi reminds us that all the world, all its claims and all its knowledge, is to be laid at the foot of this baby. It reminds us that ultimate truth is found not in stars or potions or tricks, but in the person of God’s own Son.
I wish you a reflective Christmas season.
Martin Sutherland
Dean & CEO