Master of Professional Ministry
1Year Full Time
96Credit Points
Payments Centrelink Approved
4Max Years Part Time
Online Course
Overseas Students
The Master of Professional Ministry (MPM) is designed to develop a deeper level of engagement with the discipline and practice of ministry.
The degree is intended for those in significant leadership positions in churches, denominational offices, para-church agencies and non-church agencies, and institutions where people want to enhance their research by also applying insights from Christian traditions, and who have at least five (5) years ministry experience, with the opportunity to undertake specialised study in ministry.
The MPM serves as a major component of the coursework phase of the Doctor of Ministry, and as its exit award.
Course Structure
96 credit points over 1 year (F/T)
Research Methods – 24cps
Introduction to Research Methods – 12cps (AS001-912)
Research Methods for Ministry Practitioners – 12cps (AS007-912)
Research – 36cps
Students will investigate an agreed topic in consultation with a supervisory team which will be outlined in the submission for AS007-912.
In a typical part-time course enrolment, the 36cps are generally undertaken through a 12cps enrolment (XX403-R12) and a 24cp enrolment (XX403-R24).
Elective units – 36cps
All at AQF Level 9, normally Evangelism and Missiology / Pastoral and Church Focused Ministry / Developmental and Educational Ministry units which will support the planned research project.
They will provide opportunity for specialised level development in fields of study relevant to a candidate’s proposed project, forming a coherent program of study in a recognised area of ministry practice and drawing from the fields of Development and Educational Ministries / Evangelism and Missiology / Pastoral and Church-Focused Ministry.
AQF Level 9 projects are not permitted as elective units.
Admission Requirements
Academic Qualifications:
Completion of a Ministry / Theological Bachelor degree, or equivalent, and
Theological and non-theological qualifications deemed to provide a suitable grounding for Master of Professional Ministry study.
Ministry Experience Prerequisites
Applicants must be able to demonstrate a minimum of five years of significant contribution in their ministry context since completion of their first degree. All applications must include a curriculum vitae, outlining various roles they have undertaken, positions held, major goals and most significant achievements.
Applicants would normally currently be ministry practitioners in positions of significant ministry responsibility, aspiring to positions such as senior pastors, mission/denominational board representatives, tertiary educators, denominational leaders, church planters, mission directors, church consultants, department leaders, or senior positions or researcher positions in work contexts where a specific Christian reflection on their work would be beneficial to their employing organisation.
All applicants must submit with their application a letter of commendation from their current employing organisation that comments on the character of the applicant and their capacity to contribute to their denomination, church or institutional employer. This letter must also provide evidence from their employing organisation that the organisation understands the extent of the commitment required over the period of course candidature and agrees to support the candidate to enable them to complete the course.
Language requirements: IELTS 7.0 overall, with a minimum of 7.0 in reading and writing, and minimum of 6.5 in listening and speaking OR 10 years continuous residence in Australia with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work. See English Proficiency Policy.
Language requirements (Chinese course): Qualification in Chinese in the last 10 years; or using Chinese as the language primarily spoken both at home and work for the last 10 years; or Chinese Language Proficiency test through a HSK Test or another test approved by the University. See Languages Other Than English Policy.
Articulation Options
- DMIN20
Exit Options
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, graduates will be able to:
1 analyse, evaluate, and integrate a relevant body of ministry theories across contemporary professional ministry practices
2 apply analytical, critical and creative thinking to professional ministry practices
3 apply advanced skills in research and evaluation to professional ministry settings
Application of knowledge and skills
4 complete research that integrates relevant theory/ies and professional ministry practice/s
5 appraise, interpret and communicate information in both oral and written formats and interact on a professional level to both specialists and non-specialists
$11,904 per semester for full-time (48cp) domestic students (2025 course fees).
For more information about tuition fees, FEE-HELP, and student payments, view tuition fees.
Course Rules
- Throughout the course students will be part of a cohort which meets for eight (8) hours per year, face-to-face and/or virtually.
- Candidates must attend, and participate in, a minimum of four (4) College research seminars (or other research conference approved by the Graduate School of Research) during each year of full-time candidature or equivalent (minimum of two (2) for each year of part-time candidature).
- Candidates must present at least one seminar or conference paper of no less than 20 minutes’ duration at a research seminar or conference approved by the Graduate School of Research.
Approved for delivery at
Approval to deliver a course does not guarantee that this course will be available in a given year – please contact a college about current availability.
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