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22 February 2017Book Launch – The Disruption of Evangelicalism
On Thursday 16th February, the ACT hosted a celebratory event to mark the publication of the final book in the IVP series ‘A History of Evangelicalism’. “The Disruption of Evangelicalism: The age of Torrey, Mott, McPherson, and Hammond” is the third published book by our very own ‘Director of Teaching and Learning’, Dr Geoff Treloar.
The evening was a great success, with attendees from the Theological Higher Education sector present, as well as ACT staff, family, and friends. There was a time of ‘meeting & greeting’ each other, and partaking in refreshments before the evening progressed to the more formal components of the night.
Dr Treloar gave an address in which he stated that many facets of his life had intertwined in this project in a very fulfilling way; his Doctorate in History, his experiences as part of the Evangelical History Association, through to his editorship of the Lucas: Evangelical History Review journal. He hopes this work will generate further reflection on our history.
Those attending also had the pleasure of hearing from Dr Mark Noll (USA) and Dr David Bebbington (UK) via video link. Through their work, both have had great influence on Dr Treloar. They added their praise of the book, citing its success in delving into the 20th century evangelical story.
Dr Martin Sutherland and Dr Graeme Chatfield rounded out the evening with support for the work and their colleague. They noted that the ACT is proud to be associated with this significant volume.
The book has been received with enthusiasm, with very pleasing sales on the night. It is now available for pre-order online at the following outlets:
Upcoming launch events of works in our Monograph series will be occurring throughout 2017. Information of these events will be posted on our website – we look forward to meeting you there!