Admissions – Institution information set
1. About the Australian College of Theology
The Australian University of Theology operates through a confessionally diverse, national network of Bible and theological colleges delivering the awards of the College on its behalf.
Colleges affiliated with the Australian University of Theology are represented at all levels of University governance. Affiliated colleges are in a consortium which exists to strengthen all members.
As an Australian University, AUT has self-accrediting authority in the field of Religious Studies.
Information about the course accreditation process and the dates of accreditation of courses is available here.
The relationship between a college and AUT is expressed in the Institutional Approval Criteria and an Affiliation Agreement signed by each affiliated college and the Council, which is the governing body of the University.
Institutions considering affiliation with the Australian College of Theology should first review the Institutional Approval Criteria, then contact the Vice-Chancellor.
Prospective students can view information about the courses, and the colleges approved to deliver those courses.
2. Student Profile
The table below presents data on students who began their undergraduate studies in the most recent full year of intake, including students admitted through all offer rounds and international students studying in Australia.
Most recent full year of commencements (2023) | ||
Primary basis of admission | Number of students | Percentage of all commencing undergraduate students |
Recent secondary education
Students admitted solely on the basis of ATAR |
43 | 9% |
Students admitted where ATAR was one of several factors considered | 3 | 1% |
Students admitted on the basis of other criteria and ATAR was not a factor | 29 | 6% |
Previous tertiary education
Students admitted on the basis of earlier higher education study |
262 | 57% |
Students admitted on the basis of earlier vocational education and training (VET) study | 32 | 7% |
An enabling or bridging course delivered by a higher education provider (complete or incomplete) | 7 | 2% |
Work and life experience
Students admitted on a basis other than the above |
79 | 17% |
Total domestic students | 455 | 99% |
Total international students | 5 | 1% |
All commencing undergraduate students | 460 | 100.0% |
3. Admission requirements
A: Australian secondary studies
Recent Australian Year 12 students (within the past two years)
Students entering the following courses require the completion of Year 12, with a recent ATAR of 65.0.
Undergraduate Certificate of Ministry, Undergraduate Certificate of Theology, Diploma of Christian Studies. Diploma of Ministry, Diploma of Theology, Diploma of Ministry / Diploma of Theology, Advanced Diploma of Ministry, Advanced Diploma of Theology, Associate Degree of Ministry, Associate Degree of Theology, Bachelor of Christian Studies, Bachelor of Ministry, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Ministry / Bachelor of Theology.
ATAR-related adjustments
AUT does not have any adjustments to ATAR-based admissions (e.g. ‘bonus points’).
Requirements that may apply in addition to ATAR
AUT does not impose any denominational or religious restrictions in relation to enrolment in any Course. However, the affiliated colleges are free to impose any denominational or religious restrictions in relation to enrolment in an AUT course. Affiliated colleges are also free to require enrolling students to:
- give an account of their Christian commitment;
- express their willingness to conduct themselves in accordance with the affiliated college’s Christian ethos and requirements;
- affirm the affiliated college’s statement of faith; and/or
- show evidence of prior experience in Christian leadership
Language Requirements
The University seeks to ensure that all students enrolled in an AUT course undertaken in English have the English language proficiency required in order to likely be successful in their course of study. Prior to admission into any course delivered in English, applicants are required to prove their level of English language capacity in order to be admitted to their chosen course. This can be done in one of the following ways.
- The applicant holds an Assessable Qualification completed in one of the Approved Countries, completed within the last ten (10) years; OR
- The applicant has been resident in Australia for ten (10) or more years, with English being the language primarily spoken both at home and work; OR
- The applicant provides proof of English Language Proficiency:
- For undergraduate courses, the IELTS requirement is an overall score of at least 6.5, with no subtest score below 6.0.
- For postgraduate coursework courses, the IELTS requirement is an overall score of at least 7.0, with reading and writing subtests of at least 7.0, and with listening and speaking subtests of at least 6.5.
- For postgraduate research degrees, the IELTS requirement is an overall score of at least 7.5, with reading and writing subtests of at least 7.5, with listening subtest of at least 7.0, and with speaking subtest of at least 6.5.
Other admission options
Applicants who do not have a recent ATAR or do not meet the normal entry criteria for undergraduate courses are invited to make an application for admission to a course based on other grounds. Admission may be granted by the Registrar of the Australian College of Theology, subject to a decision about likelihood of successful completion of the course.
Interstate Year 12
Recent school-leaver applicants from Queensland will be assessed by their OP score, matched to the appropriate ATAR score for entry to undergraduate courses. School-leaver applicants from all other Australian states and territories will be assessed by their recent ATAR.
B: Applicants with previous higher education study
Applicants with a completed qualification from an Australian higher education provider are eligible for entry to undergraduate courses, regardless of secondary school completion or performance. Applicants with a complete or incomplete higher education qualification in Religious Studies are welcome to apply for advanced standing, in accordance with Prior Learning Policy and Credit Transfer Rules. Up to one third of a course can be completed via credit transfer or RPL. The study on which credit transfer is based must have been taken recently (no more than ten years ago). Applicants can approach the University directly or their chosen affiliated college Registrar to discuss possible credit transfer from previous studies when applying to study a course.
Completed bridging or enabling course
Generally, a bridging or enabling course for which prior approval has be given, will grant a student entry to a course, but with no advanced standing.
C: Applicants with previous vocational education and training (VET) study
Applicants with a complete or incomplete VET qualification in Religious Studies are welcome to apply for advanced standing, in accordance with the Prior Learning Policy and Credit Transfer Rules. Up to one third of a course can be completed via credit transfer or RPL. Within that limit, AUT grants credit for VET studies into its undergraduate higher education courses at the rate of 48 credit points (0.5 years full time) for every year of full time study or equivalent at VET level. The study on which credit transfer is based must have been taken recently (no more than ten years ago). Applicants can approach the University directly or their chosen affiliated college Registrar to discuss possible credit transfer from previous studies when applying to study a course.
D: Domestic applicants with overseas qualifications
Students with overseas qualifications will be assessed according to the same Prior Learning Policy and Credit Transfer Rules. Up to one third of a course can be completed via credit transfer or RPL for overseas courses deemed at least equivalent in level and content to the course an applicant is seeking to enter.
E: Applicants with work and life experience
Students with overseas qualifications will be assessed according to the same Prior Learning Policy. Up to one third of a course can be completed via RPL for previous work and life experience.
4. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants are encouraged to review the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Support Policy.
5. Bridging and enabling courses
Generally, a bridging or enabling course for which prior approval has be given, will grant a student entry to a course, but with no advanced standing.
6. How to apply
Applications can be made to a course by contacting a college affiliated with the University which is approved to deliver the chosen course.
Each college has its own enrolment deadlines, and applicants are advised to contact the preferred affiliated college to find out enrolment deadlines and any additional information required.
Admittance to a course is ultimately determined by the Australian University of Theology. Colleges affiliated with the University are permitted to advise students on eligibility criteria. If an applicant meets AUT’s course entry requirements, affiliated colleges can provisionally accept candidates in coursework awards subject to AUT enrolment confirmation.
7. Enrolment
Registrars and Course Advisors of the applicant’s chosen Affiliated College will be a student’s primary contact for course advice and unit selection throughout a course. Students are advised to consult their course regulations on the AUT website to ensure that the units they are enrolling in will contribute to their course. Enrolment in units is completed through affiliated colleges rather than directly with the University office. Upon enrolment in a unit, the student will be notified by the affiliated college. In addition, once the unit’s Census Date has passed (the date that tuition fees for a unit are incurred), AUT will issue a formal Confirmation of Enrolment to each student. Students who have deferred the payment of their tuition fees to a FEE-HELP loan will also be issued a Commonwealth Assistance Notice by the University.
Any student who has successfully applied for credit transfer or RPL will be notified in writing by the student’s home college. In addition, the credit transfer / RPL units will be available to view by the student on the student management system.
8. Appeals and grievances
Appeals and Grievances within the Australian University of Theology are resolved by following the steps outlined in the Grievance Resolution Policy for Students.
9. Where to get further information
Further information about the above information can be found at: